28 January, 2023 – 8 April, 2023
A solo exhibition by internationally acclaimed artist Bruno Zupan
BRUNO ZUPAN celebrates the Earth in each of his paintings and has spent his life in the pursuit of light. His vibrant colors and spontaneous brushwork capture fleeting moments of light in such a way that the viewer feels present at the scene as his brush flies across the canvas.
He has traveled around the earth and explored cities and beaches, mountains, rivers and pastures – winter, night and day, spring and summer. From the golden warmth of a Venetian sunset to the sparkling city lights of Boston, he captures the varied, yet simple manifestations of its beauty.
Bruno's works have been honored worldwide, including by the Museo de Mallorca; Palais de Nations in Geneva, Switzerland; Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.; United Nations Headquarters; Columbus Museum of Art; Boston Public Library; Boston Museum of Fine Art; Greenville Museum of Art; Macon Museum of Art; Morris Museum of Art; and now at our own Millennium Gate Museum. Prestigious private collectors include the Bradley-Turner, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Thyssen-Bornemiza, and Swarovski families. Prince & Princess Michael of Kent, Princess Grace of Monaco, and Li Xiannian (former president of China) also collect his exquisite paintings, which are a joy to experience.
Zupan exhibition opening
Bruno Zupan takes us through the exhibition
Greetings from Rodney Cook, Founder of the Millennium Gate
Jane Zupan, Bruno’s wife and business manager
Richard Kerfoot, the museum Director gives an overview
Padmini Singh Sharma, Director at the museum, picks her favorite painting
A museum patron shares her joy
Anita Thomas, a Zupan art collector