The Gate Museum


Collections Highlights

The Millennium Gate Museum is the most comprehensive museum of Georgia history in the state. Our collections cover Georgia's history around the entire state from pre-Columbian era up until the present day.

Pre Columbian Georgia

Native American pottery
Native American pottery
Native American pottery

19th-Century Georgia - 1800-1899

Porcelain plate
Spike from the Georgia Railroad line
Gate City Guard uniform cap.

20th-Century Georgia - 1900-1999

Corona typewriter from the Atlantic Steel office of Thomas K. Glenn.
Antique Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. uniform.
John Goddard driving a carriage

21st Century GA - 2000 present

Peace and Justice Gates
“Abraham Lincoln” by Martin Dawe, 21st century.
Bronze bust of President George Washington by George Kelley.

Statues and Monuments

Chief Tomochichi of the Yamacraw Tribe.
Peace and Justice Gate
Bust of José Julián Martí Pérez